Detour Ahead

Thursday, 21 February 2019

‘Yoga On The Road’ was about conservatively packaging up what I have learnt, lived, loved and experienced in life and through yoga with what was yet to be explored through travel. With a burning desire and fire stoked, the dream of interweaving these loves and creating new connections along the way from fresh (and spontaneous) opportunities and possibilities while on the road – was the dream.

It’s fair for me to say there has always been something so appealing about the possibility of reinventing the wheel in both life and persona (let’s go with development here) and freedom-seeking around Australia added just this appeal and look-in…

…Enter stage left – DETOUR AHEAD – and just like that letting go of living the carefree life that we might have envisaged initially is but an etched memory, lingering longingly in our metaphorical rear view mirror as the dust settles (Northern Territory style).

Here and Now looks and feels a lot like how to create that very same energy and momentum through a somewhat more static possy. I have personally found components of this new experience to offer up some challenges.

“Life is about the way in which we handle the things out of our control, the choices we have to either move fluidly with the downstream flow or battle the laws of nature and struggle to the point of complete ineffectiveness against it. In words, the choice seems blatantly obvious, in life and action sometimes so illusive”.

Yes, I am back engaging in day to day life, volunteering at schools, being an aunty, a sister-in-law, a girlfriend, a friend to me, a devoted yoga student, a skydiver, a lover of life, a seeker of truth and meaning, a meditator, a teacher and guide, a blogger (learning to not judge each sentence), a learner of taming (re-directing) my flightiness and living my best version of life.

I guess I am exploring the detour as an opportunity to focus on growing my interest and presence in the field of kids yoga. How can I educate families, schools and children themselves to the many, many benefits that yoga (creative play) can offer? What are the tools that I can provide parents to best guide their children (and themselves) to coping with today’s challenges? What resources and therapeutics are going to assist in learning difficulties. What practice would suit the busy parent wanting to find some work/life balance? How can we all be accountable and make the difference that effects necessary change in society today? How can I support you?

I’m getting down and dirty with the nitty gritty of bringing out our best human-ness potential and that of our children, with my own style and mix of seriousness and some necessary humour.

So with creativity, resourcefulness and plenty of imaginative wanderings watch closely for the evolutionary meanderings of Yoga on the Road…and to coin a phrase (or was it an ad) – it won’t happen overnight…but it will happen.

Thanks for joining me friends, hope to see you again, meet you soon or connect with you on or off the road. Stay tuned!

Love and Light Always

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